The following resources are considered suitable for use in the A-level standard syllabuses. However, they may be adaptable to suit any area.
SCIENCE: Chemistry
- !NUCLIDES - a graphical database containing information on
3000+ known stable or radioactive isotopes of all known elements up to
element 118, displayed on a Segre chart.
- !ELEMENTS - a graphical database containing the latest information on all known elements and their isotopes up to element 118. This program complements !Nuclides.
- Zip Archive (29K) - Drawfiles
Two drawfiles - the 14 Bravais lattices, and the structure of diamond.
Kindly submitted by Roger Darlington. Used with permission.
SCIENCE: Physics
- Squashed ImpDoc (32K) - Impression Document
Impression document listing the six SI units, with their precise definitions. Lovely map of the world, as well :-)
- Zip Archive (8K) - Textease Worksheet
Quick experiment on the loading and unloading of a rubber band. Includes embedded TableMate table for results. Leads to basic hysteresis plot.
- Zip Archive (26K) - Impression/Easiwriter Documents
Dimensional Analysis, Stress/Strain summary, Prefixes, Standard Form and SI Units.
- Zip Archive (58K) - Impression/Easiwriter Documents
SHC tables, Newton's Inverse Square Law, Speed of Sound (closed pipes), End Corrections, SHM etc.
Kindly submitted by Andrew Harmsworth.
- Zip Archive (117K) - Impression Junior Documents
Instructions for experiments: Beta and Gamma, Magnetic Fields, Mass on Spring, N2L, SHM spreadsheet, Resistance, Polarisation, Resonance, Standing Waves, SHC.
Kindly submitted by Ian Williams.
- Zip Archive (23K) - BASIC applications
Alpha Particle Scattering, Amplitude Modulation, Beats and Adding Harmonics.
Kindly submitted by Ian Williams.
- Zip Archive (38K) - WIMP Application
Ignotum is an excellent application with all the mathematical and physical formulas you could ever need for A-level.
If you find any of the above resources useful, please let us know! Better still, join the discussion list.
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