ROUGOL logo RISC OS User Group Of London


NEXT MEETING                

DATE:   Monday 17th February 2025
(ROUGOL meets on the third monday of every month)
SUBJECT:   Copro, copro-cabana
PRESENTER:   Rob Sprowson
TIME:   7:45pm (although ROUGOL members start arriving at the pub from 6.30pm and the Zoom meeting will open at 7.30pm)
VENUE:   Upstairs in the Chichester or Petworth Room at The Duke of Sussex public house, 23 Baylis Road, SE1 7AY , and also Online via Zoom

This month we will be joined at the Copacabana Duke of Sussex by Lola Rob Sprowson who will be taking us right back to our roots with a demonstration of his ARM copro for the Beeb. While the original seeds of RISC OS were developed on an ARM1 copro, Sprow will be talking about how he designed his ARM7TDMI copro.

We will have a BBC Master in the pub linked up to the big screen to show the ARM copro in use. In addition to that Rob will also have a collection of other copros for everyone to have a look and play with, including 6502, Z80, Turbo, and 80186.

Although the meeting will also be on Zoom, the hands on nature of this demo (with the wonderful tactile clack of a Beeb keyboard!) means you will get a lot more out of it by attending in the pub. Plus plentiful food and drink on hand :-)

Rumours that Rob will have yellow feathers in his hair and a dress cut down to there have not been confirmed...

The usual arrangements

Meetings are free and everyone is welcome, no booking required, just turn up at the pub. Zoom attendees contact us for the link. (If you have attended any of our previous Zoom meetings, it is the same link)

The Duke of Sussex is easily accessible by public transport from in and around London and the south east, and serves a wide range of food and drinks. All meetings benefit from a large screen display, so everyone should have a great view.

To be informed about future meetings, please join the mailing list. Everyone on the mailing list will be kept informed of these and other ROUGOL initiatives.

       MORE INFO

Information about the Duke of Sussex

Past meetings
Read about previous ROUGOL meetings

ROUGOL organise the RISC OS London Show