RISC OS User Group Of London
Meetings > Previous Meetings > December 2005 |
StarFighter 3000 and extras
Chris Bazley Monday 19th December 2005, 7:45pm
ROUGOL's December meetings always take place on the ground floor, vacating the separate room upstairs to allow for the venue's increased restaurant trade in the Christmas week. This precludes lengthy formal presentations, but this December ROUGOL hosts a wealth of different experiences. Firstly, we're delighted to welcome back Chris Bazley, the maintainer of StarFighter 3000, to talk briefly about what's been changed in the game, and extras such as the map editor. A demonstration may or may not be followed by an group effort to complete every single level in one night. Chris' upgrades to SF3000 are free to all existing SF3000 owners; if you don't have a copy yet, the game is still available from APDL and highly recommended. We will also be taking the opportunity to review in detail different RISC OS news websites' reports and comments on the recent RISC OS roadshows in Stockport, Birmingham and Harrow. If you don't have regular web access, this will be your chance to see in detail what's been going on and perhaps add your own comments.