RISC OS User Group Of London
Meetings > Previous Meetings > September 2006 |
MoreDesk and other software
Steve Revill, 7th Software Monday 18th September 2006, 7:45pm
Steve worked at Acorn, Element 14 and Pace from 1997 to 2002, and has also worked for Pace and Castle/Tematic since then. He will be demonstrating MoreDesk, as well as some of his other software, and we hope that he will also be able to talk a little about RISC OS Open Ltd after the main presentation. MoreDesk allows you to organise your windows over a space which is larger than the normal desktop. You can easily move windows between desktops and get a view of the entire desktop space. You can even have different sets of pinboard icons and a different backdrop image for each of the desktops. MoreDesk is available for 14.99ukp and further information is available at http://www.7thsoftware.co.uk/moredesk/