How to Widen Interest in RISC OS
Bernard Boase
Monday 15th April 2019, 7:45pm
This month Bernard Boase will be facilitating a discussion about how best to widen
people's knowledge and interest of RISC OS.
RISC OS needs more take-up -> RISC OS needs more publicity -> RISC OS needs convincing
Use Cases which then need to be described in print, web and video.
Use Cases for RISC OS could depend upon:
- The Desktop for its ergonomic applications
- The RPi's GPIO for monitoring and control (low level access from RO)
- The powerful system-wide vector graphics it provides
- The educational merit of creating games in BASIC (e.g. with AMCOG kit)
- The Retro scene (BBC Micro and Archimedes)
- The fact that its code is now open source (and interest in ARM code?)
- The marketing led by RISC OS Developments Ltd ('Marketing by P')
- The knowledge of special uses known only to suppliers
Publicity could be based upon or make use of:
- RISC OS publications (Archive, DragNDrop, WROCC Newsletter)
- The MagPi (Editor Lucy Hattersley has said she's a 'big fan' of RISC OS and would like to print more, but she would need input).
- Social media
- Other web sites/forums, not normally RISC OS focussed (e.g. Pi forum)
- Suppliers' web sites
- !Store and !PackMan
It has no modern browser, patchy video, security that relies on obscurity,
no multi-core support, no likelihood of 64-bit support, only Python 2.7.2,
insufficient libraries to compete with Raspbian, etc. etc.