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Meetings > Previous Meetings > November 2021


RISC OS Pyromaniac Update
Monday 15th November 2021, 7:45pm

At our November 2020 meeting, Gerph talked about the RISC OS build service that he runs, and introduced the technology that drives it - RISC OS Pyromaniac. It's been a year, and the underlying OS has seen many improvements and bug fixes.

On the anniversary of that meeting Gerph is returning to talk about the things that were planned to do, and what actually got done. Not all of the work has been directly on Pyromaniac in the last year, so he will also talk about how it has been used to test some things, and a little about the documentation project as well.

As is usual there will be demonstrations over Zoom, and if you have a VNC client you'll be able to try out some of the demonstrated features live yourself. For those attending in the pub there will even be props to look at and comment on. As usual, Gerph will take questions at the end until we are falling asleep.